2019 DESIS SCHOLAR: Joshua Singler
Joshua Singler is a designer and researcher whose practice focuses on unearthing rhythms, patterns, and layers embedded within the complex nature of our daily interactions with the public realm. Joshua’s research practice aims to tap into the power of communication design with the objective to intervene, disrupt, and inspire a redirection to the habitual routines of everyday life.
While obtaining his Bachelor of Design (BDes) at York University–Sheridan College’s Joint Program in Toronto, Ontario, Joshua’s final thesis project “Story/telling” received an Honourable Mention for the Mosaic Award for Storytelling from the Registered Graphic Designer’s Association of Ontario (RGD). Joshua’s undergraduate project ‘A Title. Magazine’, was a single-issue print publication successfully launched through Kickstarter and was created with the intention of establishing a platform to share stories from the underserved LGBTQ+ community.
Through social and cultural analysis, photographic typologies, manipulation of analogue technologies, a variety of printing techniques, and deep reflection on human interaction and co-habitation, Joshua aims to engage the community around him to think more consciously about their daily lives.
You can follow Joshua’s research process as it unfolds by visiting his blog: www.joshuasingler.com/blog
Past DESIS Scholars

The DESIS Scholarship is awarded to a graduate student who develops research in line with the theories and objectives of the DESIS Lab at Emily Carr University, and plays a supportive role in DESIS lab events throughout the academic year. The DESIS Scholar has direct access to DESIS Lab faculty and resources.