Connection Means: Action Together

Emily Carr DESIS lab at the 2016 Triennale

The Emily Carr DESIS Lab is bringing action and connection to the 2016 Triennale in Milano. Through a series of facilitated activities and events, we will research the physicality of collaborative making as a method for creating new social relationships.

Featured as part of Emily Carr University’s Liminal Lab popup studio and exhibition, the Emily Carr DESIS lab will offer serial collective actions that investigate how making common things (books. hats. poems. bread. ropes. clothes pegs. pizza. . .) together fosters meaningful ties. Participants will actively make artifacts in collaboration in order to draw out embodied knowledge in our hands, feet, shoulders, and elbows. Does this foster new social relationships? Allow us to generate new value laden collectives?

All projects will be documented physically through the immediate means of polaroid photography and posted regularly at the Liminal Labs exhibit.


One response to “Connection Means: Action Together”

  1. […] by a café style philosophy talk. Presentations will include Transition Town collaborations, Emily Carr DESIS goes to Milano, Who is Social; Post-human […]